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My IT Journal

This is our first project. We want to create a documentation where you can write down your daily and weekly reports that you are obliged to write. Previously you have done this in the Confluence Wiki of Informatikdienste. Wouldn't it be nicer to have it somewhat more accessible and more modern? You can even build a showcase of your skills with it!

Now let us first define the requirements and the goals of our solution:

  • The documentation must be versioned, therefore we want to manage it in a Git repository.
  • Being in a Git repository and published over at allows others to participate.
  • As a learner I don't want to write this webpage using HTML, Javascript and CSS but use a framework that creates static code. The framework must allow me to write markdown.


The first step is optional but in our opinion worth the effort. MkDocs is software written in Python. As such it has dependencies and needs other packages. Conda is one possible tool for dependency management for the languages Python and R, see the Wikipedia page for a bigger overview.

Knowing Conda helps to manage different Python environments that do not influence each others.

Task: Install Miniconda

  • Install Miniconda
    • macOS: just install Miniconda with brew
    • Linux: use the installer, see documentation
  • Familiarize yourself with the conda command by using the getting started guide:
    • Create, activate, deactivate and destroy some test environments as outlined in the Managing environments
    • Create environments with a specific version of Python, i.e. 3.9.x, see Managing Python
    • Install some packages with conda though we will use pip later when installing mkdocs, see Managing packages
    • There is also a printable cheat sheet at the bottom of conda's getting started page.

MkDocs and Material for MkDocs

Now we are ready to install the tool of choice - MkDocs. We will not only install MkDocs itself but also the package "Material for MkDocs".

MkDocs itself is a static site generator geared towards (technical) project documentation. Material for MkDocs is an additional package providing a modern responsive them for the web and a lot more features like a comprehensive search and a lot more of styling elements that what MkDocs itself provides. Those two packages are used to create our HPC used guide.

Documentation for the tools can be found on their websites at and The latter is very good and will help in every aspect. Stick primarily to this source!

Having conda in place now lets us create a Conda environment for these tools.

Task: Install Material for MkDocs

  • Create a Conda environment called "itjournal" and activate it
  • Install latest Python 3.x (this also installs pip - the package manager)
  • Then install Material for MkDocs using pip. Notice that MkDocs itself gets automatically installed as it is a dependency of Material for MkDocs.
  • Do you see the help message, when you run mkdocs --help?

Now that the mkdocs command is available and the respective Material theme is installed, we can start our documentation.

Task: Create and initialize your journal

  • Create a new directory, name as you like/see fit
  • Enter the directory and make it a git repository
  • Create a new GitHub repo over at
  • Add the remote repo as the origin of your local git repo
  • Then create an initial MkDocs project, see getting started guide of mkdocs-material
  • Add and commit these files to the repository as first initial commit and starting point of your journey

The documentation of Material for MkDocs itself is a valuable source for inspiration. Also this "demo/learning journal" may inspire you. Think especially about the structure of your documentation, where you want to publish the Tages- and Wochenberichte and probably some words about you.

MkDocs has a built-in server to locally render and see, what the markdown you are writing actually will look like when rendered to the static website, see chapter Preview as you write. Make use of it and open https://localhost:8000 in you browser. It magically reloads upon changing anything in your documentation, doesn't it?

Don't forget to do regular "atomic" commits, i.e. after changing a layout element or for each Tages- or Wochenbericht.

As soon as you work is done and you have something new to share with the world, it's time to publish a new (or a first) version of your documentation. To achieve this, mkdocs will build the static pages and publishes the result. Managing the repository over at and publishing as GitHub pages at, things are very easy to accomplish. will automatically recognize the created gh-pages branch that mkdocs generates. Things "automagically" just work as expected. Nevertheless...

Task: Publish and verify

Later we will improve the project to automatically build the static pages on every push to the main branch, but for now, we do it manually to get used to it.

Last update: October 9, 2023